Thursday 14 January 2010

Prototype Testing for 'endurance Junkie'.

Over the past six weeks I have been testing the first 'endurance Junkie' triathlon suit prototype. "WOW" is all I can say about the new materials and advanced ideas of design on this suit. For a first prototype it is one of the best I have seen and tested. I am proud to be a part of the development of this new brand of triathlon suit and apparel. Testing of the second prototype starts soon leading to a nice new suit for Ironman Port Macquarie to be unveiled. Unfortunately being a confidential prototype I am unable to post any pictures, but I will get some up pre-Port IM on the final race suit.

It is great to see some new innovative ideas within triathlon design and materials. An example of the benefit of this suit was that I completed a 2hr run in normal gear and then switched to the suit for another 1hr run to make it a 3hr session. With dead legs after the 2hrs session, I found 15-20 minutes of running in the suit had my 'legs' returning and I was able to run at a faster pace for the back end of the session. Great news for that last part of the marathon and the whole distance of the Ironman.


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