Thursday 21 August 2008

Canberra and training

Well, it was cold in Canberra as predicted. It got to minus 4 degrees overnight not including the wind chill factor. And believe me there was some wind chill. Driving into Canberra we could see snow on the far mountains which was quite a nice sight. It was great to catch up with the family and for them to see Sam and her growing bulge. We also had our last scan on the Friday before heading down and so were able to bring the 4D photos of the bub. We again escaped without finding out the sex so it still a surprise until 'pop out day' ;) . The photo's are absolutely amazing and seeing the 4D image in motion was pretty damn cool. It really brings it home that there is a live bub running around in Sam's tummy. And believe me, Sam says it already feels like it is doing laps galore. Maybe another athlete on the way!

We headed out for the evening in Canberra to a charity auction for the Buffaloes League Team and had a quick dinner before taking the boys (brothers Stewart and Morgan) to the movies to see 'Taken'. Was nice to give mum and dad a night out. Damn cold after though and we were happy to get to the electric blankets. A good sleep and I headed out for a run around Tuggeranong lake for an hour or so. I had brought my micro-climate gear and rugged up big time. I think it was still in the minus degrees when I headed out. Certainly made me put a few intense surges in to get the blood running. Was nice to train on the old stomping grounds and after a while the chill was refreshing. Everyone I met said hello, which is nice after running in Sydney. A great 'Mum's lunch' and we headed back to Sydney. A nice weekend away and good to see everyone again before we have the new addition to the family.

I have been concentrating on running only these past few weeks. I have been easing into it and getting plenty of rest/sleep for recovery. I feel great now and ready to start ramping up the kilometres. I logged 80.4km for the past week of running and 67.2km the week before. I will have a slow progression up and continue through the marathon including it into my base phase without much of a taper. It is now 4.5 weeks away, which is plenty of time to get the kilometres in the legs to use it as a practice pace session for the Ironman's and test some nutrition strategies.

Train well and keep safe,

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