Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Training Week 13-2-12 to 19-2-12

Hi Guys,
Lots of work-life balancing this week in regards to training. With sick kids and shocking weather, many of the planned sessions were changed to pushing the two kids in the pram at a hard pace for a good sweat out and muscle strength work. I got an Ironman distance bike in on the weekend 11 weeks out from race day and the feeling in the legs was good. Great for moral when a long way out from race day and the longest part of the race is feeling good.
Next week will be a 'whatever I can get done' week. Sam is away in Sydney for work, kids are still sick, and I head away late Thursday until late Sunday night for my Bucks Party Weekend with my Groomsmen Mal Derbidge, James Freeman and Andy Rayner. Hopefully some of the recovery can involve some swim-jogs to 'flush the system out' ;)

Monday, 13 February 2012

Training Log 2-6/2/12

Biking is going well. Running is coming along and body is feeling good for it. Now I just need to up the swimming. Adding more runs in and lengthening as the body allows. Weather has been a shocker and just hope for a small window of 'Summer-like" weather to get some fun kilometres in. Winter cycle race programs are coming up soon and will be fun to plan in a few good hard races that will test me.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Training Week 30/1/12-5/2/12

Another week down. Non stop torrential rain whenever I had the opportunity to train this week which stopped the walks with the kids that add a few hours of pram pushing (10kg bub + 15kg+ girl + pram of gear). The family headed down to Sydney for the day on Saturday for a day of catch ups and a fitting-lunch of the Groomsmen for my coming wedding to Sam in March. Run are feeling better and I just need to add more sessions in. I got a good bike session done on the Sunday with a hard race with lots of efforts and more big dog work after. Swimming sessions need to increase. I had hoped for more this week but it just didn't eventuate.