Where is Bevan and what has he been doing lately? Check here for the latest news, race reports, and to follow Bevan's adventures as he chases his dreams of winning a world championship and racing on every continent.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Canberra 70.3 Triathlon and Leach Early Xmas
Sam, Frankie and I are heading up to Canberra this weekend for the Canberra 70.3 triathlon and an early Xmas with the Leach family.
The Canberra 70.3 has a great field lined up as it is the final race in the Australian Half Ironman Series and also a qualifier for the ITU World Long Distance Championships in 2010 in Germany. I will be using it as my last big training run to test out a few things before I knuckle down into my build up to the Australian Ironman in 2010. It is one of the toughest courses in Australia and normally can break a few of the packs up. Run by some great guys, Nick Munting and Graeme Hannan, it is one of the races I love doing in Australia.
The trip could be interesting as both Sam and I have picked up Frankie's sickness. Should make it a fun trip down in the car. It is starting to get bad so I will just have to see how it is race day to determine how hard I can push. I am already having great difficulty breathing and the heart rate is terrible on light exercise. But I will race no matter what albeit at a lower level so that no damage is done.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Port 70.3 Wrap up
Race day came and had a couple of athletes I help out that were racing with differing objectives. It was great to see them both going well in the end with one having a great race dropping time on a build week towards Busso IM and the other placing 4th on only a couple of light jogs after a very bad lower leg injury.
Personally my race day went well in regards to the training and data collection for my build towards Port IM in March 2010. I got enough information to be able to find training grounds around the Newcastle region to suit the race and build.
I swam ok but at a comfortable pace so that I worked slowly up to the lead groups. Just couldn't bridge the last gap to the pro's who had a head start. Too busy in a wrestling match with people who do not know how to swim straight and draft properly. I was happy to lead the groups that I swam through and bridge up. Still work to do on top end speed but strength was there. Time to up the distances in training and get regular speed work in. Time: 23:49.
Slow transition, lost places, not normal for me.
Bike, aim was to sit in my wattage 290-350 with a comfortable heart rate. Took a lot of control as first part of course was hilly so had to back off normal pace and as such groups got time on me. However, sitting on the wattage I worked my way up through the groups into the top 10 and picked up a couple of pro's I couldn't shift. Slowly bridging up to main group in 3-8th positions when the CPU from the powermeter wasn't there. Had to do a u-turn and go looking for it, found it approx 1-1.5km back. This was the main reason for the race as I needed that information to train for the next 5 months. The CPU worked so I plugged it back in and got on with the job. This happened before the last portion of the first lap before the hills so a bad position for it to occur. Lost a lot of time [ post race checked my splits on CPU (2:25 including both transitions and continue over so approx low 2:20's) vs the race 2:32 so a good 7mins plus lost]. Sat on wattage and over next loop rode back up into the top groupings and back to near 10th?? Dragged a few people through but didn't worry just got the info. Passed a big pack that I dragged for a while with 20+ people in it to near the end. I was happy with the ride as was working but comfortable and a pace I could keep going for the IM.
Run, got off with a chance to consolidate top 10/15 overall and win age or stay with the plan and run IM pacing to get the training information. Sat at required 150-155bpm HR with the plan to test different drink combo's/salt each lap. In the first 2km I got swamped by guys from the 20+ group. It was hard not to go with them and 'race' but I was there for a different reason. Slowly I built into each loop getting faster (or it felt like it) with the same HR. Although I lost a large amount of placings, I got the information I needed re the HR vs pace vs course layout to train for the IM rather than flooring it for a placing with no help for the IM training. I could have continued running and completed a marathon at that pace. Time: 1:45. Overall time 4:41hr 56/750 [with 7mins (7-10mins actual lost) off from bike CPU lost = 4:34hr which would have got me a top 30/750 with a training day effort].
Nil problems after the race and some great information/baselines to focus for Kona qualification. For the fitness I have at the moment things are moving forward. I am racing Canberra 70.3 on December 13 and will be able to compare pacings and push harder as the fitness and body slowly recovers its normality/race fitness.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Port Macquarie 70.3 this weekend
I head up to Port Macquaire this weekend for the half ironman triathlon. It is a bit of a fact finding mission and test run. This is predominately the identical course that will host the March 2010 Australian Ironman which I have as a major goal to qualify for the Hawaiian Ironman World Champs in 2010. Port Half traditionally has a good field with athletes building into Busselton Ironman in 5 weeks time or looking for points in the Australian Half Ironman Series.
With that in mind, I head to Port to try a few different things. I will be using a powertap and aiming to sit at a certain wattage to see how the body copes and what this means for my run off the bike. I am working towards full recuperative fitness by the end of this year and then a long lead in to the Australian Ironman in March. I will also try a wheelbuilder cover on the powertap and test if this is appropriate for the course and if it 'works'. This will an initial test run on the product so here's hoping there are no mechanical issues with it.
Port is normally a very wet and windy weekend but forecasts are for a hot one. I will push to see where the limits are in the swim and run. I am looking forward to a good hard hit out and then being able to analyse the data post race to develop some specific training for the March Ironman goal race.
I am also looking forward to seeing how the coaching guys go and touching base with my triathlon mates I have not seen in a while. I will touch base after the race.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Maitland Triathlon Unofficial Results: 1st Mens 30-34 years, 9th male overall.
I completed my test event in Morpeth over the weekend made that little bit harder by attending the Mauling for Muscles black tie charity dinner for Muscular Dystrophy the previous evening. The triathlon incorporated a 1.5km swim, 55km bike, and 12km on/off road run. I decided to race on my road bike with powertap to record data to enable me to have working numbers for the half ironman races coming up. Results will be posted sometime this week but from the presentations I came 1st in the Men's 30-34 years division, 9th male overall, and first overall using a roadie ;) haha. I found that I can definitely make some big changes in the way I distribute my energy with large power ranges in the bike. I purposely did not hang in any groups taking a turn then sitting off the back to get an even power recording. I also noticed a big change in power legally drifting through a group of up to 150-250 Watts. Also the aero advantage of a tri bike compared to a roadie and the extra wattage needed was noticeable. Good points for the race were coming out in the top couple of the swim, a good consistent run that I was able to build on throughout, and no further problems to the rehab. I am now looking forward to banking some specific training and working towards the seasons goals.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Update and New Partnerships Formed!
Well a bit of time has gone by since the last update. Things were going well for a bit and then I have had some set backs with the recuperation. I was still able to race the Worlds on very limited training and was happy with the result placing 18th in the Aquathlon and 9th in the Sprint. I lead the sprint for a large portion but the lack of running training let me down as I ran 3:30min slower than normal and lost out by 1:51min. I went for the win and could not have done anything more, so was happy with the result and getting through with no further injuries. I have picked up a few muscle imbalances from the bike crash and am now slowly working through these to get the body back up in shape. The major objective for the season will be Port Macquarie Ironman March 28 2010 and gaining my spot to the Hawaiian Ironman World Championships in October 2010. I will be using cycling races and Half Ironmans to bring the body up to speed for an all out assault in March. I have already locked in the Port Macquarie 70.3 in November to test the course using a powertap for the first time and then the hard Canberra 70.3 course for a challenging race. I will look for more racing in the New Year in the lead up to Port IM with the Oceania Long Distance Champs as a probability.
Other great news is that I have formed two new partnerships. I am greatly appreciative of the support that they will provide:
The first is with Hunter Industrial Ceramics Pty Ltd (www.hunterceramics.homestead.com/index.html) who aided in providing the Giant TCR Advanced SL Team Road Bike for all my road racing, short course triathlon racing, and training. Hunter Industrial Ceramics are involved in quality on-site tile maintenance for the coal preparation industry, the use of wear technology in the coal mining industry, as well as servicing the grain handling and power generation industries. Based in Newcastle, they also service the Hunter Valley and Central Coast - with a newly opened Mudgee office providing further servicing options.
The second is with endurance Junkie (www.endurance-junkie.com). This is a company that will be aiming to develop, manufacture and sell multisport apparel that is world class in terms of quality, performance and design. I will be involved in the development, testing and marketing of this top-notch triathlon apparel and look forward to getting it on as many podiums as possible. A media release can be found on the endurance-Junkie website on our new partnership.
Next up is a mid-distance triathlon training race this weekend in Maitland that will provide a good baseline of where I am at for the start of the season and test how the recuperation is going.
Train safe,
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Recovery is going ok. My skin has repaired well but the nerve and muscle injuries are taking longer than first thought. At this point in time I have been unable to ride since the accident. Running is coming along ok. Swimming is a work in progress.
I am still working towards being able to compete in the world championships in September. Unfortunately due to my injuries I have had to withdraw from the WTC Cobra Energy Drink Philippine 70.3 Triathlon race in Cam Sur. I was looking forward to this as I have won the last couple of major championships in the Philippines and really enjoy the challenging courses, hospitality, friendly locals, community support, and the amazing scenery. I had been mentioned in a few media pieces for the race and it looks like a good field for a first time race (Chris McCormack, Cameron Brown, Terenzo Bozzone, Tim Marr, Pete Jacobs). I wish the race a great start and I hope that I can return next year to challenge on Cam Sur.
I am also in the process of obtaining a new road bike after the last one was destroyed in the crash. I hope to provide an update soon and I am looking forward to getting out on the bike again and preparing for the worlds.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Crash!!! Bye Bye Bike and Some Bark Lost.
I managed to get my wrist out of the way and take the brunt on my helmet, shoulder, elbow and hip. Plenty of bark off and my lovely new Team Newrad vest, winter long sleeve, bib shorts, gloves, helmet, undergarments, and shoes are destroyed.
The bike is DEAD. The front derailleur is destroyed, the back one is ripped out along with the rear of the bike dropouts and frame attachment, the frame has been cracked/snapped, the handlebars are bent and ripped to pieces, the frame is 'chunked' to pieces, pedals gone, seat dead, and the seat post is hanging by 2mm of carbon thatch to the frame. I am happy that the seat post managed to stay attached as last week a guy in the Tamworth race had a crash and his carbon seat post impaled into his thigh! Glad that was not the case for me. I am sure that there is other damage to the bike but really there is not many other parts to it. The only good thing is that Brad's crankset is untouched. So, I am now minus a road bike and out of any road racing until I can obtain another.
The doctor at the hospital said I had a small fracture in my elbow as well as an ulnar step (gapping in the elbow joint) with accompanying neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm, hip, knee, shin muscle/ligament/tendon/haematoma damage with nerve problems in the ulnar and brachial plexus regions. My wrist and neck are cracking and popping, jaw now pops, and my elbow and shoulder are both 'gapping' out with weird nerve pain when I move them. So, not much damage done ;) . Luckily I heal well thanks to my mum's genes and I expect to make a quick recovery.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and offers of help. It is truly amazing the support being offered. I also want to thank Ben from 3 Bean cafe in Hamilton (and his son Jonas) for pulling out of their own races and taking me and my mangled bike home immediately so that I could get some aid. Also to David Turnidge and his lovely partner Lea for there help also. Plus Sam for having the pleasure of swabbing my road rash with nice antiseptic buds and taking no pleasure in my discomfort ;) .
Thanks must also go to the guys at Macquarie Physiotherapy for helping in diagnosis and continuing treatment of my injuries, Newcastle radiology for the prompt x-rays, Dr Minas Petrelis (Orthopaedic Surgeon) for future consults, and Frankie for her lovely hugs and magical healing kisses.
Will keep an update as I will be following an aggressive rehabilitation program to be able to race the Worlds in September and hopefully the WTC race in August. I have already gone for a couple of runs and the hips/legs seem to be holding up ok, but the arm is gapping when I run with some nerve pain.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
1st Tour de Tweed Coast General Classification
Just a quick update.
I won the overall/general classification in the Tour de Tweed Coast (Elite C) over the past long weekend. It was a four day tour stage race. It consisted of an individual time trial, a hilly stage race, a long stage race, and a criterium. I won the ITT on a roadie with no aero bars or aero equipment. I won the next hilly stage race which gave me the yellow leaders jersey. I then had to defend the yellow jersey for the last two stages which I was able to do by countering any attacks and placing second in both the long stage and the final criterium.
It was a great trip away, I learned a lot, had a fun time with the Team Newrad Gateshead guys, and was happy to win my first ever Tour stage race that I entered. Other great results for the team with David Witherden placing 3rd in the GC, 3rd in the crit, and 2nd in the KOM; Brad McDonald placing 3rd in the ITT and 4th in the GC, and Jason Cox placing 6th overall in the GC (all guys in Masters Men B).
Full report to follow, hopefully with some photos.
Cheers and thanks for all the support,
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Training and Tour De Tweed Coast
Training has been coming along nicely. I ramped up the kilometres and intervals last week adding in a few more runs also. I have been testing some compression gear out and this has helped the leg recovery. The Bill Ebeling Handicap was on the weekend at Blackhill and I completed a good long hill session in the morning followed by a good hard ride out to the course. The race was feeling comfortable until I was 'done in' by the Beer Bottle Gremlin along with another cyclist in the same group. Race over in the handicap. I was not alone and saw about 7 others repairing flats also in the first two laps. Team Newrad placed Brad McDonald in 3rd for another podium.
This weekend (June 5th-8th) I am racing the Tour De Tweed Coast with Team Newrad Gateshead. Involved is a ITT, two hill stages, and a criterium. The tour leader at each stage is given a jersey, there is also a jersey for KOM, and individual stage win prizes. Should be a blast. I will go hard in the ITT and try to get a win but unfortunately cannot take the TT bike as we will be using the same roadie for the whole tour. Will just have to give it a bit more to go for the win. It should be a tough stage race with the stages encompassing many hill climbs. They state there is enough flat-rolling hills for the race to not be decided by hill climbers, so we will just have to see how things pan out. This is my first stage/tour race purely for cycling. I am looking forward to the challenge of backing up each day (and racing twice on the Saturday). We have a good team going and will be aiming for some podiums. I think it will be great to see how the team tactics play a part in determining the winners. I will try to update daily during the tour and give some idea of the terrain and challenges faced.
Train safe, race hard,
Monday, 25 May 2009
1st ITT Hunter Districts Champs - Brad Maund Memorial Trophy
This past weekend was the individual time trial champs for Hunter Districts on the Minmi/Blackhill course. It was a gusty day which made conditions tough with no one using disks in the winds. The course was slightly lengthened at both ends to the normal annual course so rather than a 20km TT it was a bit more (longer the better for me ;) ). Last years winner, Brad McDonald, was back to defend and we had a good turnout from Team Newrad.
I did not know where the course turnarounds were, so I took the first lap with reserve to not blow up. There was broken glass everywhere to make it more interesting. A local resident is known to drive his car around and throw XXXX beer bottles all over the course whenever there is a race. Got to love those cycle haters as it is his/her idea to discourage racing by doing this and maybe injure a cyclist also.
I was able to ramp up the second lap knowing where the glass and course went and came through in a respectable time. I was able to pick up the win and annual trophy. The defending champ came 2nd, with Newrad Team guys filling the first 6 positions.
The Trophy will be presented at the annual awards dinner in September with my name engraved on the perpetual Brad Maund trophy. Brad was a triathlete, cyclist, and handy time trialler by accounts. He was killed in tragic circumstances when run down by a truck whilst training (another rider was also killed, and another badly injured). It is an honour to win his trophy and being a fellow triathlete/cyclist was quite a nice touch.
Next up is some hill training for the coming races and high cadence work.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Nice mention of our TTT win on the Central Division Cycling News.
Final Results Posted for TTT at Kooragang
It was another great day for racing when 143 riders took to the well worn pavement at Kooragang for the annual Central Division Teams Time Trial.
It was only a testing little seabreeze that spoilt anotherwise perfect day, but still the times were pretty hot. The winning team of Bevan Leach, Brett Lambkin, Nathan Stewart and Geoff Troup from NewRad Gateshead #1 Team suffered a mechanical on the start line and had to complete the entire race with just three riders. Even so, they were still able to circulate at a stunning 44.3kmh to complete the course in 33mins 51sec.
The Rob Hadley / Nigel Perry Shield for the most points scored by a club was won by Kooragang Open Cycling Club in a repeat of last year's dominating performance. Their tally of 48 points was better than all the other clubs combined!
Monday, 18 May 2009
1st in Central Division TTT and trying new races.
Well we won the Central Division Team Time Trial at Kooragang Island for Team Newrad Gateshead. The flu had not cleared but I was able to breathe ok and pitied the poor guys behind me when I had to clear the tubes (always tried to do it at the end of a turn though). Different team this time with me, Brett Lambkin, Geoff Troup, and Nathan Stewart swapping in for Brett James. We got off to a shocking start when Geoff's back wheel slipped the limiting screws and smacked into his frame. We all stood around for 30secs to see if he could fix it but no go. So we had to high tail it. Nath was coming off ironman so was a little fatigued but Brett was feeling good. It was a race of long turns at the front and keeping everyone together to finish and record a time. We ploughed through it though and checking on other teams I thought we may just have it. Ended up with a 13sec win over Manning Valley in 2nd, and our 2nd Team Newrad guys in 3rd. Geoff continued through by himself in case any of us flatted so we would get some points in the Division Cup. I also found out after there is a rule in TT whereby if you have a mechanical in the first 100m you can restart again but luckily we got away with the win anyway.
I also tried a couple of new races (a handicap and a criterium) this past weekend. The handicap was interesting as I went of scratch with Glen Stojanow, Geoff Troup, Brett Lambkin, Sam Layzell, and Michael Burke. The limit (ie bunnies) had 20mins head start on us for a 4 lap race. I lost the group on the first hill after taking a turn I dropped some gears to spin but ended up skipping the chain and two gears. This opened up a gap of 2 bike lengths to the last guy and I just couldn't get back on when the boys crested the hill and got into the 53x11s as I only had a 53x12 and have not trained myself to spin as fast as the pure cyclists yet. They were very impressive and very strong cyclists. Gave me a lesson and I will be working on higher cadence and getting the appropriate gearing. The bunnies ended up winning the day with the head start a little bit too much for the boys to catch. I hammered for 3 laps passing buys that were dropped but unable to make any inroads. Good training though.
Sunday saw a criterium out at Steel River. Plenty of 90 degree turns and 2 u-turns each lap saw lots of corner and sprinting practice. I am racing the Tour of Tweed and the last stage is a crit so I thought I had better get some practice in. I was in B grade and we went off 10 secs behind A grade. I was able to bridge up quickly but not knowing the rules I sat 7-10m behind like in triathlon non-drafting races. This was a big mistake as the A grade guys fly out of corners with the concertina happening in a big way. Needless to say I drifted off the pace. Again I learnt more about positioning and cadence watching the top guys do turns. I hammered away for the 35mins +3 laps which constituted the race. I slowly picked up a couple of A grade guys that had drifted off the back but wanted to work more and practice. I ended up 2nd in my grade as the other guy held into a A grade pairing just ahead of me and I couldn't bridge up on the winding track. I learnt a lot about race craft and got a fantastic workout to boot. These two races were all after a week of increasing cycling mileage with some nice rides with Rich Stanton and Michael Edgar including a lovely hill repeat loop I can utilise for training.
I will be attaching a cadence sensor and doing some high rpm work along with hill drills to bring myself up to speed a bit with the pure cyclists. This will also transfer across to my triathlon racing and hopefully help with my hit out at the Tour de Tweed on the June long weekend in Queensland. Things coming up are the Hunter Districts Individual Time Trial this weekend, possibly the Wineries 100km cyclosportif (or a crit), Newcastle Rodeo with some friends, the Tour de Tweed, and the normal runs/swims for my triathlons.
On a side note, Frankie turned six months old on the weekend. She loves the running pram and so I will be able to clock up some more kilometres whilst spending time with her. She looks so cute all rugged up and ready to cruise.
Cheers and train safe,
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monthly Update - Snakes, Jobs, Chains, a Blackberry, and Congrats.
Hi Guys,
All has been going well. I have picked up a bit of a cold though as the dreaded lurgy seems to be catching up with everyone. Frankie has had it for a little while and now it is moving through the family. Not good as I have a Regional Team Time Trial this weekend but I still should be ok for it and have a good hit out. I can put Frankie in the running pram in a week as she will be six months old - I can't wait but gee the time goes quick.
Other things happening over the past month have included:
- being bitten by a green tree snake on a ride during the pelting rain. It only just latched on for a quick tad mainly scraping my leg and really only some pins & needles, a bad headache, and some weird leg pain for a day. Otherwise ok.
- my mate Dezza (Derek Scott) and his partner Christine (Chrissy) Eldridge having a lovely wedding in Scottish attire in the Rocks in Sydney. So good that unfortunately I misplaced my mobile phone. Also got to catch up with some Sydney mates, James, Mal and Sam - was good to touch base guys.
-No mobile meant joining the Blackberry world. Passed on the Iphone as had heard too many dodgy stories and wanted the ability to send photo's plus check emails etc when travelling or for work. How good are they!;
- I have found a new job working at Macquarie Physiotherapy and Macquarie Exercise Centre. Three days with the private practice setting, two days in the gym rehabilitation area. Thereby giving me variety but work that I can enjoy with great hours so I can still train and mind Frankie. Loving it.
- I snapped my 2 month old duraace bike chain. Thus 10 days off the bike. Ended up having to replace jockey wheels, chain, wiring, and also cracked the front derailleur (but can change this later). Have double taped the handlebars and it is very comfortable now but with a good road feel. I may have to look into getting a new road bike for the races but definitely some race wheels/power for training.
Congrats to Jo-Ann Stevens for making her first Australian team for the sprint triathlon world champs in the Gold Coast this year. Jo-Ann has done the work and now can reap the benefits. Enjoy the moment and the first time you get to wear the green and gold uniform!
Otherwise, training is coming along well. I have now got into a routine with the swimming and running. The biking is freezing already and very dark in the mornings here in Newcastle. Much colder than Sydney. I am going to have to get into the attic and grab my Euro winter gear.
Happy Mothers Day to all the mum's, grandma's, and I hope that you can have a relaxing day on Sunday. Cheers to my mum in Canberra - hope the boys spoil you well and you get breaky in bed.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
First A Grade TTT Win in Billy Robson Annual Memorial

Friday, 10 April 2009
March/April Update
It has been a month since my last post. In that time a lot of things have happened. I'll try to give you a brief run down.
I had a great break after IM NZ and enjoyed the recovery. I had some calf and hip flexor tightness post IM. I raced some cycle races within a week of the ironman and was feeling ok. I have only done a couple of swims but am now into the groove again with running and biking. I'll start to pick up the swimming in the following weeks.
I have been picked up by a cycling team based here in the Newcastle region. It is called 'Team Newrad Gateshead" with title sponsors of Newcastle Radiology (Brad McDonald) and Gateshead Cycles. A great squad of guys and I hope to help the team pick up some wins/podiums over the coming season. I also want to learn more about the cycle road racing intricacies so that I am better prepared to go for wins and also utilise the hard racing to maintain my cycling strength for my triathlon races. I have already raced for them last weekend helping the team to a 2nd, 3rd, 5th, & 6th position whilst having a few good digs in breakaways. I am really enjoying the fun and challenge of the different type of racing. I'll be racing the Central Division State A Grade Cup for the team which involves a 5 stage race series including time trialing over the winter months. Also included for the team are some stage races, day classics, NSW ITT, team TT, and individual road races for the winter.
I also had confirmation of my selection in the Australian Team for the ITU World Sprint Triathlon Championships in September on the Gold Coast. This will be fun and get the speed back into the body which I hope to capitalise on for my long distance triathlon racing. I will also be heading to Asia on invite to a WTC 70.3 Triathlon and working towards this as a focus to build speed and strength for the mid distances.
Over winter I will be working on technique and old school kilometres for my running and swimming. I will be trying a few new things for running and using this time to build these into strengths again for the coming seasons races. I am also looking at utilising power for training and racing on the bike if I can find some suitable support/sponsorship to aid in purchasing the power meter units. I have been racing on Xentis quad spokes for the past couple of years in my races and may look at moving to a disc so that I can further utilise my biking strength in races.
Work wise, I have been 'Daddy Day Care'. It has been great to spend some time with Frankie in this early period that a lot of dad's miss out on. She changes week to week and sometimes it seems like there are new things she does each day. Being there to witness and be a part of it is fantastic. It looks like I have found a job though working as a physiotherapist for a company that houses both a private practice setting and gym/exercise rehabilitation/weight loss setting. I will post more on this when everything is finalised but I am looking forward to this opportunity and working with some great people.
I hope that everyone has a great Easter break.
Cheers and train safe,
Sunday, 8 March 2009
IM NZ quick wrap up
Well I went for it. At one point I was sitting in 7th/8th at the 20km mark on the run with 3 speedsters chasing me down with a guaranteed Hawaii spot on the line. I had the choice of keeping a steady pace and hoping that they blew up or going for it. I went for it. Unfortunately I had two mini blow ups in the next 20kms that cost me. I went for it and it didn't come off, as a side note, the guys chasing me ran through all with great runs and no blow ups. I ended up coming 14th male pro.
I have just been to the Hawaii roll downs and I ended up missing out by one spot on a pro slot (ie. I was next person up). Must of been the year for rolling over. You can not pick it as many years there are no slot roll overs in the pro section hence going for the automatic qualification position.
I have improved on last year and it was good to be up there mixing it with the guys. I need to work more on my second half of the run. But after only 4 real months of training under Mark Watson, I have improved a lot and we will continue this progression.
I will file a race report and hopefully some nice photo's as well.
I am a bit disappointed on missing a Hawaii slot, but happy that I gave everything to nail one and am improving my overall position/racing.
Friday, 6 March 2009
The Night Before
Remember, you can follow my progress tomorrow on http://www.ironmanlive.com/ under race number 38 and if you click on my name it should give you progress reports/times/splits at the timing mats over the course.
Thanks to the Bynon and Leach families for their support and well wishes. Also to my sponsors High5, Brooks, and Platypus Asset Management, many thanks for aiding me in my training and racing goals.
Well, it is time to out the legs up, sleep, and wait for the race to start.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Ironman New Zealand - Sat 7th March 2009
I have arrived safe in sunny Taupo. I flew directly into Taupo on a very small plane that Sam would hate. Two bikes were able to fit in out of three and my one made it. Let's hope the luck continues all weekend. Good weather by NZ standards has greeted me so far but is forecast to change for the next few days. Built the bike, did the test ride, and all good. Tv reports said the wind was getting up to 60km/hr+ and it was a tad wobbly on the road during the test ride. Water in the lake is crystal clear with no waves and without the usual NZ chill. Was quite warm actually but definitely a wetsuit swim. Everyone is out in their gear on the strip. Sensible ones though are inside watching the tv, internet, or sleeping. Taper is going well and I am looking forward to letting it all rip on the Saturday.
I am race number 38. You can follow the race on http://www.ironmanlive.com/ through either the athlete tracker or updates. Race day weather forecast is rain, 16-22 degrees Celsius, with a moderate northerly wind. Not sure what moderate wind means by NZ standards probably an Aussie cyclone. The wind pushed the waves on the lake up to 1-1.5m the other day which if it occurs on Saturday will make it interesting for a lot of competitors.
The pro briefing was today. They are going to hammer drafting, littering, and infractions this year. They even have a chopper with a tv to bust drafters and have them sit out their penalty on entering transition 2. Littering, including banana peels, will be a u-turn and pick up plus penalty. We have a 15min start on the age-groupers so that they can police the race better and also it is a new worldwide WTC rule change. This may change as the race director seems to want us to start with the age-groupers and may give us a late start 'due to darkness' but not change the age-grouper start time. We will find out race morning. Otherwise, it is as per normal and a good field of racers that should make the viewing interesting. I will touch base again before race day .
Saturday, 28 February 2009
New Zealand Ironman - Lake Taupo
Friday, 20 February 2009
Goondiwindi Photos - Courtesy of Andrew Sawatske of Hi-Tide Photography

Monday, 9 February 2009
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
I've made Xtri.com photo gallery for Hell of West Triathlon
7th @ Hell of the West Triathlon
Race report and some awesome photo's to follow. Quick summary. Came 7th overall, road to be leader of bike after 5th in swim, leader at bike/run transition, fastest bike split. Long road trip made fun with Andy from Hide Tide Photography who took some fantastic photo's that should end up in Australian and USA magazines. Recovering well and ready to hit the speed work in the lead up to Ironman NZ.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Off on a road trip to Goondiwindi !!
Well the training has been coming along nicely. I have concentrated on a lot of strength and endurance work but no speed work as yet. I am driving up to Goondiwindi for the "Hell of the West" triathlon on Saturday. It is about an 8.5-10hour trip I have been told. I have a partner in this escapade, Andrew Sawatske from High Tide Photography. He is the official photographer for the race and lives on the Central Coast. We will start our road trip from Newcastle. I think registration is in the late afternoon followed by a pasta feed with the organisers. This race is a little different in that it is normally high 30's-mid 40's degree celcius during the race. We start early (3am check in and 5am swim start) but by 8am the temperature is already 35. The non-wetsuit 2km swim is up current in the local river for 1km, then turn with the tide. The 80km bike is an out & back on large blue chip with very strong winds to work you hard as the mercury climbs. The 20km run is a 3 looper out/back so that the whippets can chase you down. Sure to be nice & tough especially after driving up the day before. I am looking forward to a good test knowing that I have a good training base behind me know with 5 weeks to NZ IM needing only some fine tuning and speed work to be done. It will be interesting to see how my IM strength/endurance goes against the speed work of others focusing on this race. I hope to also get some good photos from the race.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Finally wireless and another cycle road race win
Well, we finally have wireless at the house. Oh the freedom it gives you. Bless the Telstra technician that decided to drop by unannounced by accident. I was tempted to rush to the cellar door and give the man a case of beer. We can now actually view the internet again properly. I will be able to publish some photo's of Frankie for all.
I picked up another win this past week. I had a good day of training with a long tempo run and 4km swim before the race. Legs were heavy and a bit fatigued, but that is the best way for me to use the road races as training for my triathlons. I took off from the start and time trialled the whole way for a good win in gusty conditions. I was able to back up the next day with a good 5 hour ride and run off the bike with no residual soreness. I have now been banking consistent training for the past few weeks and look to continue this through to March.
Congrats to an old acquaintance, Pete McDonald, who had the legs to beat out Michael Rogers and Adam Hansen in a sprint to win the Australian elite men's road race and get the "pretty" jersey/outfit to wear for the year. Awesome work and great to see a local team have the Australian jersey again to help with sponsors and exposure.
Enjoy the good weather for training,
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Happy New Year and Update
Happy New Year. I wish you a successful and safe racing season. May it bring new trips to lovely locations (and hopefully you can stash the bike in for a race :) ), much fun and happiness, and continued good health.
I am now settled in Newcastle. Training has been going great. All sessions have been completed. I have had some extra time for training of late as '3 Sports' closed in early December. I have also made good use of the time to spend it with Sam and Frankie. I have ridden all over the Hunter district taking in some good challenging rides. Running at Glenrock State Park with its numerous trails and hills has kept me interested and without need for music tunes. I destroyed my back wheel on a 4hr ride and limped home on the weekend. But I must thank Brett from Hadley's Cycles for organising a quick fix so that the bike was fully serviced and returned in less than a day.
I am presently job hunting in the Newcastle region for some Physiotherapy/Personal-Gym Trainer rehabilitation work. I am also looking for new sponsors due to my sponsor 3 Sports closing its doors. So, there is a lot on the table at the moment organisational wise.
Frankie is growing and seems to become more aware each day. It is amazing how much children pick up from what you do and others around. She is now 60cm long and 5.3kg and we have daily play conversations/mumbles. I now have some Frankie photo's up on my facebook page but am yet to be able to post photo's here due to Telstra taking there time in fixing wireless for us at the house. It has been since late November since we were told 4 days and it would be on. Hopefully, wireless will be on soon and I can post more.
I will be racing in Goondawindi at 'The Hell of the West' triathlon on February 1st in preparation for the New Zealand Ironman Triathlon on March 7th. All training is directed at a good performance in NZ and I am looking forward to successfully executing a great race.
Train safe,