Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Baby On The Way !!! And other developments...

Hi Guys,

Well the big news is that Samantha and I are going to be parents sometime in November this year! Sam is now half way through the cooking stage and is past the nightmarish morning sickness part. The bulge is starting to grow well with Sam having to succumb to the maternity jeans for comfort. Mum and bub are all healthy according to the tests.

There was a chance of twins due to my family history but tests confirmed that there is one baby only. I was sort of looking forward to twins, but having seen the amount of gear you need for one baby, I am now definitely pleased our first foray into parenthood is being to one child. I think we would need to build an extension on the house if twins were due.

We have decided that we will not be finding out the sex of our child. There are few true surprises now in life and I think that when the baby is born and finding out the sex only as it is lifted up to us will be one of those few moments that Sam and I can share together. This will no doubt cause the grand parents/family/friends some grief in preparing the garments/gear/room for our child, but I think one that will not really matter in the way things play out. Sam tells a story of when her little sister was born and having to tell a room of family/friends the details and finally that it is a girl then everyone yelling in joy. I want that for our child/family and friends rather than everyone knowing what the baby is in this preplanned world we now live in. I do not want us having a preconceived idea of our baby due to the sex but just to leave it as the wonder that it is, our lovely healthy baby.

We have chosen names. Frankie for a girl, Zachariah for a boy. We had already chosen the names along time ago on a trip with a few wines. Sam got to choose the girl's name, me the boy's. Frankie sits well with both families being in both fathers names and first born rotational names. I have always just liked the name Zac and think that it'll sound damn good rattling out four syllables when/if Zac-ha-ri-ah gets in trouble as he''ll certainly know it ;) . Bynon will be the middle name, Leach the last.

People always say that your mindset instantly changes when you become a parent. I know that to be true now. Even though the bub hasn't popped out yet, my mindset towards life, Sam, my family, work, racing, and in general has now changed for the better.

It has prompted me to get more serious about my racing. Nick from Platypus Asset Management is a great motivator and director, and he has certainly got me moving in a more professional manner in my triathlon and racing career. After years of being self-coached, I now am being coached by Mark Watson. Mark has great experience in this triathlon caper having raced elite but also involves himself in all aspects of commentating, coaching, being involved in the NZ High Performance Program, and has good athletes working with him (Cameron Brown amongst them). He also tells it as it is, which is how I like it. I look forward to working with Nick and Mark towards my goal of winning an Ironman race. The only type of triathlon race I have not won. This will be a long process, but one that I am willing to undertake to not go away wondering 'what if?'. I am now more focused on things and have the support of my lovely partner Sam and my bub. It will be an enjoyable, challenging experience that I am looking forward to.

Here's to a healthy baby!
